Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wal-Mart Concedes Defeat, Shifts Tactics

In a move that was highly reminiscent of Phillip Morris' recent support of the tobacco legislation, Wal-Mart has come out in support of a mandate that would require large employers to provide health care to employees. This is an extremely common tactic, and it usually represents the point at which a corporation realizes that they can no longer fight a given policy, and that by at least pretending to support the measure, they will gain some amount of influence over the final crafting. Utility companies did the exact same thing in early 2007, when they realized that some form of carbon emmission limit would ultimately be imposed upon their industry, and it would be better to have a say than to not. We prefer the Phillip Morris example though; it seems to resonate the most with people.

*no position in WMT or MO. Long DUK

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