Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Low-Cost Preventive Medical Care Idea: Exercise

One of the more frustrating aspects of the health care reform debate (assuming the discourse is worthy of such a label) is the confusion surrounding preventive medical care. Now, we all know that the Left wants to over-emphasize the efficacy of preventive tactics; primarily to argue that their use - and federal support of - will lower health care costs dramatically, thus making room for their idyllic visions of health for everyone. The Right however, chooses to completely disparage preventive medical care; essentially arguing that there is no such thing. This issue was recently addressed by the now infamous Congressional Budget Office, via a letter to Congress in addition to a friendly blog post on the Director's sounding board. Basically, the CBO's comments on preventive care come down to this: The theoretically cheapest and most effective form of preventive care - wellness services - would take years to show up as cost savings. Furthermore, it is questionable as to whether the government is capable of implementing wellness programs in an effective enough manner to supplant those already offered to the American populace.

This is ultimately not the most palatable of conclusions however, as it would seem to put the onus of staying healthy - to some degree at least - on the individual himself. This is an area of contention that seems to encourage normally intelligent people of differing opinions to trade anecdotal evidence back and forth in the hopes of proving their argument. Example: "I know a man who was healthy his entire life before dropping dead of a heart attack". Counter-Example: "I know a man who exercised his whole life and was still running marathons at age 75". Hopefully you get the point.

Regardless of your stance on this issue though, I would challenge anybody to side with the cave-man reasoning that obesity does not cause a whole host of medical issues that have been, are, and will drive up health care costs for the rest of us. Obesity is, for the vast vast majority of people, a preventable ailment. It is the result of a choice that you have made. That being said, I am prepared to end the entire health care debate by proposing a set of guidelines that, if followed, will lead to improved health for Most people.
  1. Exercise. Preferably running, but walking is acceptable in the event of bad knees or hips.
  2. Eat grilled chicken. These days, grilled chicken can even be purchased at McDonalds
  3. Eat vegetables. They are cheap in the grocery store. I promise.
There you have it. These simple solutions should allow you to make it to Medicare without too much consternation. If issues do arise prior to Medicare eligibility, then no big deal. The population as a whole is much healthier, so you have been able to afford private health insurance your whole life. You're all welcome. Sphere: Related Content

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